Contacts and opening hours

Contacts and opening hours


Jollaksentie 89
00850 Helsinki Suomi Finland

Reception and room booking:

by phone +358 44 986 4121 or by e-mail [email protected]

Sales department 9 am-4 pm:

by phone +358 50 5171 590 or by e-mail [email protected]

Aulabaarin aukioloajat / Bar open:

Mon - thu 4 - 8 pm

Friday - 4 - 10 pm

Saturday only advance booking or private parties

Sunday closed


Monday 4 - 8pm

Tue - fri 6.30 - 12am / 4 - 8 pm

Sunday 9 - 12am

If you need check in later than 8pm, please call +358 44 986 4121